“Helping individuals is a strong passion of mine”

Sue Falkingham – Hearing expert with over 30 years experience

The Skipton Audiologist is owned by Sue Falkingham

Sue trained at Bradford Royal Infirmary and has a Degree in Audiology Studies from Leeds University. Sue also trained as a Hearing Therapist at Bristol University.

The two qualifications combined allow Sue to deliver a person-centred approach to her practice and ensure she is well placed to assist those with tinnitus and hearing loss.

Expertise to support your hearing loss and tinnitus

Throughout her career Sue has represented her profession at a national level and is proud to have led the largest professional body for Audiologists in the UK as the President of The British Academy of Audiology from 2017-2019. Following on from this she was awarded Lifetime Membership of the BAA in 2021.

A commitment to her profession and to continued learning is also demonstrated by her awards from The British Society of Audiology and the Association of Independent Hearing Health Practitioners.

Having worked for a global manufacturer of hearing instruments as a Trainer for 11 years, Sue is well placed to offer careful and considered advice for your hearing needs.

Hearing solutions

Hearing Aids

We are passionate about providing you with the best hearing aid for your hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Wax Removal

At The Skipton Audiologist we offer Ear Wax Removal using Micro suction, irrigation, and instrumentation.

Hearing Consultation

Our hearing needs assessment is a professional consultation and hearing test with a highly skilled audiologist.

Start improving your hearing today

If you have any questions about your hearing, or if you would like to book a clinic appointment, we’d love to hear from you.